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  1. /about-us/work-with-us/graduates/tips-and-hints-on-what-to-expect-if-you-apply

    Tips and hints on what to expect if you apply

    Our graduate trainee recruitment and selection process has been carefully designed to give you as much opportunity as possible to show your skills and qualities relevant to our…
  2. /key-people

    Key people

    Chairs and Controllers of Audit from the past 40 years. Chairman   Rt Hon Tom Fraser - 1974-79 Harry G Munro - 1979-83 Professor John R Small - 1983-92…
  3. /changing-roles

    Changing roles

    Over the years, the Commission’s key role in providing assurance that councils were spending public money correctly went largely unnoticed. But it made headlines in the 1980s…
  4. /early-days

    Early days

    A new body to represent councils, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), was also set up in 1975 from four previous organisations.Another  challenge for the…
  5. /the-first-challenges

    The first challenges

    It all started with one man in a small old Scottish Tourist Board office and a secretary, both on loan from the civil service. James Dargie, the first Controller of Audit,…
  6. /40-years-timeline

    40 years timeline

    A look at some of the Commission's key events from the past 40 years. 1974 - 2015 1974 - The Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland established the Local…
  7. /contact-us/access-to-personal-information

    Access to personal information

    You have a right to access personal information that we hold about you by making a ‘subject access request’. A subject access request form for this purpose can be…