

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Need for better management of hospital waste

An Audit Scotland report published today says that, whilst progress has been made since 2001, NHS boards and hospitals are still…

Falkirk Council performing well, although still room for improvement

In its first report on Best Value at Falkirk Council, published today, the Accounts Commission for Scotland says the council…

Strong leadership and clearer accountability needed for Scotland’s public bodies in the face of budget cuts

An Audit Scotland report published today, The role of boards, examines the governance arrangements of NHS bodies, colleges,…

Dundee City Council needs to increase the pace of change

Dundee City Council still needs to embed a culture of continuous improvement throughout its business and increase the pace of…

Reduced waiting times for orthopaedic procedures, but scope for further efficiencies

In recent years, the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland has significantly reduced the length of time people are waiting to…

Further progress still needed at West Dunbartonshire Council

The Accounts Commission has published its findings on West Dunbartonshire Council, following its consideration of the latest…

New way of managing waiting lists is fairer for patients

The National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland has made big changes in how it manages waiting lists since 2008 and these have made…