Commission meetings
We meet monthly and in public and we welcome visitors. To observe our next Accounts Commission meeting please email acsupport@audit-scotland.gov.uk.
You don’t have to be there for the whole meeting and can come in at any time. We ask visitors to respect the conduct of business and not cause any disruption such as trying to talk to Commission members, applauding or displaying banners.
We record the public session of all Accounts Commission meetings. To request a recording, please contact acsupport@audit-scotland.gov.uk.
Format of meetings
We want to strike the right balance between being open about the way we make decisions, and ensuring that Commission members are able to have candid and robust discussions about sensitive matters.
The Commission may decide, under paragraph 16 of our Standing Orders, to hold all or part of a meeting in private. The agenda for each meeting sets out the items which it's proposed should be considered in private and the reasons why, and the Commission will make a decision about these items at the start of the meeting.
When any business is considered in private, the minutes will record the nature of the business considered and any decisions reached.
Next meeting: 10 April 2025
Papers will usually appear here at least three days before the meeting date.